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Elizabeth Caplin

The Success Cycle & How Emotions Are Our Ultimate Resource

a person standing on two road signs one foot on problem one foot on solution

Problems need energy to live!

Imagine problems as beings that feed on the energy we give them. The more attention, focus, and emotional investment we provide, the stronger and more persistent these problems become.

ask yourself...

  • Do you tend to focus on what you have or what your missing?

  • What you can control or what you can't control?

  • The past, present or future?

Tip: To achieve success and lead a fulfilling life, it is essential to strike a balance between various aspects of our mindset and focus.

Focus on What You Have

Gratitude and appreciation for what you have are fundamental to finding contentment and happiness. Focusing on what you have allows you to recognise your blessings, strengths, and resources. It empowers you to build upon your existing foundation and make the most of your current situation.

By acknowledging your achievements and the positive aspects of your life, you develop a positive mindset that fosters self-confidence and optimism. This, in turn, provides you with the motivation and resilience needed to pursue your goals and overcome challenges.

Focus on What You Can Control

It is essential to recognise the difference between what you can control and what you cannot. Focusing on what you can control gives you a sense of agency and empowers you to take action to influence the outcome of various situations.

By directing your efforts and energy towards things within your control, you avoid unnecessary stress and anxiety over uncontrollable factors. Instead of feeling powerless, you become more proactive and effective in problem-solving.

Focus on the Present

While learning from the past and planning for the future are crucial, living in the present moment is equally important for success and well-being. Being present enables you to fully engage with your experiences, make mindful decisions, and savor life's joys.

By focusing on the present, you improve your productivity and the quality of your work. It also enhances your ability to build meaningful connections with others, as you become more attentive and empathetic in your interactions.

However, this does not mean completely disregarding the past and future. Reflecting on past experiences helps you learn from mistakes and grow, while planning for the future allows you to set goals and work towards achieving them.

The Success Cycle

the success cycle, potential then action then results then certainty and beliefs  back to potential

People who succeed have momentum. The more they succeed, the more they want to succeed, and the more they find a way to succeed. Similar when someone is falling , the tendency is to get on a downward spiral that can even become a self fulfilling prophecy.

Peoples potential is almost unlimited! But do most people's results reflect the level of potential they have?

Everyone is in a Cycle of Momentum: Which Direction are you going in? Where are you on the success cycle?

"Failure is never a lack of resources; it's a lack of resourcefulness. Emotions are the ultimate resource". - Tony Robbins

When we encounter failure or setbacks in our endeavors, it is common to search for external factors to blame for our lack of success. We might attribute it to a shortage of financial capital, limited access to information or technology, or a lack of support from others. While these external factors can indeed pose challenges, they are not the sole determinants of success or failure.

In reality, our resourcefulness, the ability to find creative solutions and leverage the available resources, plays a crucial role in overcoming obstacles and achieving our goals. And one of the most potent resources at our disposal is our emotions.

Emotional Resilience

Emotional resilience is the capacity to bounce back from setbacks, stay positive in the face of adversity, and maintain mental strength during challenging times. When we encounter failure, our emotions can either become a stumbling block or a stepping stone. Emotions like fear, self-doubt, and frustration can overwhelm us, leading to a lack of motivation and a reluctance to try again.

However, by harnessing positive emotions such as determination, perseverance, and optimism, we can maintain our emotional resilience. These emotions empower us to learn from our failures, adapt our strategies, and persist in the pursuit of our goals. Emotionally resilient individuals view failure as an opportunity to grow and develop, rather than a reason to give up.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence, or EQ, is the ability to recognise, understand, and manage our own emotions and those of others. It plays a vital role in our interactions with colleagues, clients, and loved ones. When we encounter challenges in professional or personal settings, emotional intelligence enables us to navigate difficult situations with empathy, open-mindedness, and effective communication.

By understanding and managing our emotions effectively, we can maintain strong relationships, build trust, and collaborate more effectively with others. These emotional connections can lead to access to additional resources, support, and opportunities that might not have been available otherwise.

Emotional Motivation

Emotions can be powerful motivators. When we are deeply passionate about our goals, we tap into a wellspring of emotional energy that fuels our drive to succeed. Passion and excitement for what we do can inspire and influence others, attracting allies and resources to support our endeavors.

Furthermore, emotions can help us visualise and manifest our desired outcomes. By cultivating a positive and optimistic mindset, we create a magnetic force that draws opportunities and resources toward us. This emotional alignment with our objectives can help us navigate challenges more effectively and find innovative solutions to problems.

So remember...

Focus on what you have, what you can control and the present!

Failure is not the result of a lack of external resources but rather a lack of resourcefulness – the ability to leverage the resources available to us, including our emotions. Emotional resilience, intelligence, and motivation are all key aspects of resourcefulness that empower us to overcome obstacles, learn from failures, and persist on the path to success.

By recognising the immense power of emotions as a resource, we can cultivate a mindset that embraces failure as a natural part of the journey and uses it as a catalyst for growth.

Embracing our emotions and harnessing their potential can lead us to uncover new opportunities, forge meaningful connections, and unlock the doors to personal and professional success.


Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic approach that uses hypnosis to help individuals access their subconscious mind and create positive changes in their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. It can be a powerful tool to help stop feeding problems and cultivate a mindset that focuses on the present, what can be controlled, and what is already present in one's life.

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